Shana Tucker

During the week of February 20th to 24th, Shana Tucker graced the stage of eight Leon County elementary schools, impacting over 1,400 students. She entered each school in vibrant attire, mirroring her effervescent personality, excited and eager to captivate young minds. Shana exuded warmth, fostering an interactive and educational atmosphere in her performances. She incorporated music terminology throughout her shows, delved into the art of improvisation, and encouraged students to think musically.

Rather than mere spectators, the students became active participants in the musical journey, treated as Shana’s “fellow musicians.” They eagerly joined the creative process, some even taking center stage to sing for their classmates, or to craft music alongside Shana using her Loop machine. Applause mingled with shared dialogue as students clapped along to Shana’s songs and engaged with the performers. Students learned about the instruments on stage, Shana’s experience with vocal training, the art of freestyling, and the importance of practicing.

Shana’s genuine care for each child shone brightly, even in a packed auditorium of over one hundred eager faces. At one show, before a calming melody about stars and love, she paused to address her audience: “Did you know that you are shining right now? I can see you, you have this energy around you that is so beautiful. This is a reminder that no matter where in the world you go, the way I see you today, remember there is someone who knows how beautiful you are and how brightly you shine.”

After each performance, Shana took the time to greet the students personally. Children crowded around her, eager to receive hugs, share their own experiences with music, and, of course, get a chance to touch her cello! Students and teachers alike left their cafetoriums uplifted and comforted by Shana Tucker’s program.