September 2019

Director’s Column ON Director Michael Blachly It’s my pleasure to welcome you to the start of the 2019-20 Opening Nights Season, which is dedicated to President Emeritus Sandy D’Alemberte in memory and recognition of his leadership in establishing what was originally known as “Tallahassee: Seven Days of Opening Nights.” I would like to introduce two […]

Arts integration aims to ‘make learning come alive’

Leading the workshop was Emily Smith, a national teaching artist from Focus 5, Inc., an organization offering arts integration training and consulting. (Photo: Amanda Thompson) When the final bell rings on the last day of school, students and teachers alike are ready for a break. For most kids, that means snow cones and bathing suits. For […]

May 2019

From the Director ON Director Michael Blachly In memory and appreciation of FSU President Emeritus Talbot “Sandy” D’Alemberte’s contributions and support of Opening Nights, the 2019-20 Season will be dedicated to him. FSU President D’Alemberte, who passed away on Monday, May 20, 2019, left an indelible mark on Florida State and the Tallahassee community at […]

April 2019

From the Director ON Director Michael Blachly Please accept my warm thanks for a most successful 2018-19 Opening Nights Season. Your participation in our program through attendance and input on possible future artists enhances what we’re able to offer the community. We greatly appreciate your willingness to take some chances with us on bringing new […]

The Second City

Students from the FSU School of Theatre and the Jim Moran School of Entrepreneurship gained new skills in the art of improv from members of The Second City. The lessons taught during the workshop can be practiced in the day-to-day lives of business and theatre majors alike, making our students fearless for future auditions and […]


All the way from the Ukraine, DakhaBrakha performed for more than 400 Lincoln High School students the morning after their dazzling performance in Rudy Diamond Concert Hall. This school performance was possible through the support of AT&T. Students were dancing in their seats and gave the group multiple standing ovations. DakhaBrakha provided an engaging performance […]

yMusic: Composing with FSU students from the College of Music

On Monday, April 15, six outstanding instrumentalists collectively known as yMusic performed the world premieres of six compositions by FSU graduate students. The concert was the result of a six-month collaboration involving three separate visits to FSU by yMusic, who have recently toured with Paul Simon and appeared with him on Saturday Night Live. The ensemble visited FSU for the […]

Matt Haimovitz

Cellist Matt Haimovitz hosted a master class with FSU College of Music cello students. Following the class, students watched Haimovitz perform one of his acclaimed “pop-up” concerts at the William Johnston Building. The world-renowned cellist also performed two other pop-up shows during his trip to Tallahassee at the Florida Historic Capitol Museum and Happy Motoring. […]

March 2019

From the Director ON Director Michael Blachly It’s a pleasure being able to share additional educational outreach activities under the auspices of Opening Nights at Florida State University. During the 2018-19 Season we plan to host 35 events that include artists in schools from kindergarten through 12th grade in Leon, Wakulla, Gadsden, Jefferson and Bay […]


Makana is not only a passionate performer but a committed educator and activist. He is dedicated to making the world a better place for both current and future generations. During his four-day stay in Tallahassee, Makana visited five elementary schools in Leon, Gadsden, Wakulla and Jefferson Counties, teaching more than 1,000 students about Hawaii. He […]